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    speedpipe solutions

multi home - existing building

Protective ducts

Divisible protection for speedpipe.

The corrugated PP duct is divided in longitudinal direction and protects the speedpipe in the shaft against damages.

→ available with diameter 40 or 50 millimeters

Protective ducts

House lead-ins

In the cellar, through the wall or via the wall of the building.

House lead-ins guarantee professional, reliable building sealing. Whether through the basement wall or above ground through the house wall: they can be installed quickly and safely and are gas- and watertight. The installation can be done in all common wall types.

House lead-ins

Branch supports

Branch-off speedpipe from a bundle without any risk.

The T-branch-support TBS or the L-branch-support LBS lead you to the customer or distribution box in a safe bend. Single speedpipe ground lead to the house from both directions of the speedpipe ground bundle - thus blowing-in is possible from each direction. Connect the branch supports with the speedpipe bundle ground and the branching speedpipe ground by using simple cable straps.

Branch supports

speedpipe coil

speedpipe coils help to prepare and realize house connections efficiently.

- House branches from the speedpipe bundle can already be made when the main line is laid and can be laid on the property as required.
- The microduct can be laid from the speedpipe coil to the inside of the building for later connection.
- In areas where broadband expansion has not yet been completed, the speedpipe coil can be used to lay the microduct from the house to the street so that the microduct can then be connected to the main route at a later date. This means that new civil engineering work on private property can be avoided.

speedpipe coil

Solutions depending on building type

single home - new building

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single home - existing building

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multi home - new building

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