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    Suitable for a wide range of soil conditions.

Directional drilling

SRV-G tc are suitable for the horizontal directional drilling method as well as for grouting with earth rockets.



The horizontal directional drilling method is used to drill a directional borehole between two excavations. The installation method is used when crossing water, motorways, avenues and railway lines. The horizontal directional drilling method offers particular advantages when the conditions make it difficult or impossible to use an open construction method.

Spülbohrverfahren Bohrkopf


Rotation, lifting and thrusting movements and liquefaction in the borehole enable propulsion in a wide variety of soil conditions. The soil loosening is supported by a bentonite drilling fluid (drilling suspension) and the drilling material is flushed out of the channel. After the first drilling, the drilling channel is enlarged and grouted during retraction. This creates a stable drilling channel for laying the SRV-G tc.

Spülbohren SRV-G einziehen

Advantages of the horizontal drilling method:

  • can be used in many types of soil
  • low material usage, short construction time
  • lower impact on traffic areas
  • reduced damage to surfaces
  • low effort for restoration of surfaces
  • high practicability for the connection of FTTB/FTTH domestic connections
  • fewer construction materials; cables laid without trenches have a longer service life
  • Inexpansive method, especially in fixed surfaces approx. 50€ / metre

Source: Installation concepts in fibre optic expansion - Adams Consult (Whitepaper)

Impressions from practice

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    Laying instruction Whitepaper


    Laying Instruction for

    speedpipe bundle ground SRV-G / SRV-G tc



    Installation concepts in fibre optic expansion

    speedpipe bundles ground

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